
bound 1中文是什么意思

  • 遏止不住
  • 形成…的边界
  • 指出…的国界



  • 例句与用法
  • A note on non - closure property of sublogarithmic space - bounded 1 - inkdot alternating pushdown automata with only existential universal states
  • 13 yoshinaga t , xu j , inoue k . a note on closure property of sublogarithmic space - bounded 1 - inkdot alternating turing machines with only existential universal states
  • For the non - preemptive version , we present a new lower bound 6 5 which improves the known lower bound 1 . 161 . for the preemptive version , we present an optimal semi - online algorithm with a competitive ratio of 1 in the case that the total size is not greater than 4 , and an algorithm with a competitive ratio of 5 4 otherwise , while a lower bound 1 . 0957 is also presented for general case
    本文的主要结果为:对不可中断的情况,我们给出了该问题的下界是6 5 ,从而改进了文献中的给出的结果1 . 161 .对可中断的情况,所谓工件加工允许中断,即加工过程中允许机器暂停某工件的加工,而改为加工另一工件。
  • This paper investigates the closure property of sublogarithmic space - bounded 1 - inkdot alternating pushdown automata with only existential universal states , and shows , for example , that for any function l such that l loglogn and l o , the class of sets accepted by weakly strongly l space - bounded 1 - inkdot two - way alternating pushdown automata with only existential universal states is not closed under concatenation with regular sets , length - preserving homomorphism , and kleene closure
    Chandra kozen和stockmeyer提出了交替性alternation作为并行计算的一个理论模型。交替式alternating图灵机是非确定性图灵机的推广,它的状态集合被分为万能状态universal state和存在状态existential state 。非确定性图灵机可看作只有存在状态的交替式图灵机。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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